What is the Difference between a Scarcity Mindset versus an Abundant Mindset?
Dec 01, 2024
As discussed in my earlier blog about prayer, many people, myself included, would pray for things to happen; however, I came from a lack or scarcity mindset, where I would almost be pleading and making deals for things to come. What that does is create fear, and lack creates blocks. When we are in scarcity mode, we focus on the problem and make it bigger and more scary than the situation that it presents itself.
When we are in an abundant mindset, we still ASK for things in prayer; the difference is having the FAITH that it will be done. With this in mind, you are open to solutions and ways to get what you want. When you are in attraction mode, all possibilities will come to your attention and make things happen for you, even when they seem impossible.
How do you read this statement.
If you read it as "hope is no where" you are in a scarcity mindset. If that is what you read, you now have the awareness of recognizing your thought patterns and you can train yourself to have an abundant mindset.
If you saw "hope is now here" you have an abundant mindset. Your outlook is full of possibilities and dreams. Your focus may be on service and options. You try to find the positives in everything that you want to achieve.
Whatever your mindset, it is your choice of how you view the world.
A message from Archangel Raziel
"My children, ask, and it shall be done. Have no fear that once you have made your intention clear and aligned, what you DESIRE will manifest in the physical. When in prayer, you are grateful that what you have asked for will be given, which is the abundance mindset. Gratitude is the basis for granting your outcome and desires. When you surrender to the process, it works with ease and grace, just like magic."
- Archangel Raziel